Mentoring session in a arcade

Every young person deserves to have a positive vision of their future and the means to make it a reality.

TWMAD’s mentoring programme supports and empowers young people who are experiencing challenges in their life.

Every mentoring package is designed to build resilience and boost self-confidence. It isn’t enough for young people to be told that they are worthy and capable – they need the tools to see it for themselves.

Young people are encouraged to talk about their passions – what hobbies excite them? What activities inspire them? What do they aspire to be?

With TWMAD Mentoring, young people are given the space to open up about their negative experiences and the support needed to develop new strategies for going forward.

One-to-one activity-based mentoring for young people

By liaising with a wide range of partners, we offer each young person a mentoring service that is bespoke for their individual needs.

Mentees are encouraged to talk about their hobbies, interests, and passions. It’s not just about what’s going wrong – we focus on what could be going right. As their mentors, we use this insight to help guide our young people through challenges.

The activities often become the leverage that helps mentees get back on track. By leading with what’s interesting and validating that passion, the young person will feel motivated to do the things they “have to do” with less resistance.

Mentoring session in a gym

Empowering young people to transform their own story

Conflict is often born out of a lack of power. TWMAD Mentoring empowers young people to overcome their challenges and forge a path towards a brighter future.

What does TWMAD mentoring involve?

Our mentoring is a flexible service that is uniquely tailored to each student dependant on their needs.

  • Mentors provide neutral role models who are there to support, encourage and provide accountability.
  • Intensive mentoring can be a half or full-day activity session out in the community, away from the school environment.
  • One-to-one, hour-long sessions can also be delivered in schools for students who prefer familiar, quiet spaces.
TWMAD Mentor Rosie with a young person in Stoke-on-Trent

Uplifting young people through coaching

Rigid adherence to a curriculum is for the classroom. 

The young people who engage in TWMAD Mentoring receive support that has a strong coaching element – their mentor is there to cheer them on and offer compassionate accountability.

We work with our mentees to set achievable goals, both long and short term, then celebrate when they smash them! 

Interested? Start a mentoring journey today.

If there’s a young person in your life who may benefit from one-to-one coaching, we want to hear from you.

Supporting young people experiencing difficulty

We’re all guilty of not being engaged in a human way. From work demands to attention-hogging phones and devices, we can all get disconnected from time to time – which can mean that we’re not always paying attention to what our young people are struggling with.

Tackling a range of challenges

The young people we work with are often dealing with a range of challenges, which can include knife crime, gangs, county lines, CSE, social anxiety, living with domestic violence, being part of the care system, and more. 

Through mentoring, young people have the chance to make positive changes in their lives and leave behind behaviours and mindsets that aren’t serving them.

Specialist mental health support

Mentoring can be an incredibly useful tool for young people. However, many of the young people we work with also require specialist mental health support.

As part of our mentoring service, we consult with qualified mental health care workers to ensure we’re providing the right support. If a mentee needs additional support, we provide links to resources where this support can be accessed.

Marvin works at a school mentoring young people

Meet your mentors

TWMAD Mentors Marvin Molloy and Trevor Molloy are highly experienced youth mentors, coaches, and community leaders.

By working with the young person and centring their experience, the TWMAD mentoring team supports mentees to explore issues, advocate for their needs, and work towards positive goals.