Keep up to speed with what’s happening at TWMAD

From upcoming events to new insight from the TWMAD team.

Creating a Welcoming Environment at TWMAD Care

August 7th, 2024|

At TWMAD, we understand that emergency care can be a stressful experience for children. Despite the short stay nature of our services, we've worked tirelessly to ensure that the environment we create for every child [...]

Thank You for a Successful 23/24 Academic Year

July 17th, 2024|

As the 23/24 academic school year draws to a close, the team at TWMAD would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your partnership and support. This year, TWMAD has had the privilege of playing [...]

Boys to Men: Helping Young Boys Navigate Masculinity

July 5th, 2024|

This term, Together we Make A Difference has been delivering our Boys to Men presentations as part of the Exploring Masculinities initiative. We were thrilled to be awarded this contract earlier this year by the [...]

  • Marvin works at a school mentoring young people

TWMAD in Lichfield

May 20th, 2024|

  TWMAD awarded two contracts to deliver our services to five high schools across Lichfield. Emotional-Based School Refusal TWMAD will provide each high school with the opportunity to refer students who are considered school refusers [...]

  • Children enjoy Youthtopia in Stoke on Trent

Primary School Emotion Coaching across Staffordshire

May 15th, 2024|

TWMAD has been continuing our work with primary schools emotion coaching support across two districts of Staffordshire, extending our services into a further 9 primary schools. The support that we have been able to offer [...]

  • Marvin delivers a mentoring session

How does TWMAD safeguard the children we support?

February 29th, 2024|

How does TWMAD safeguard the children we support? This is a question which holds huge significance at TWMAD, our response has to be at the core of how we operate as a growing children’s and [...]

  • Trevor coaches a young person in the Urban Park Studios

Urban Park Studio

February 15th, 2024|

TWMAD have in our Urban Park Studio a fantastic creative space that we have been developing over the last few years. Supported by both the Youth Music Trust and also Walleys Quarry we have been [...]

TWMAD to deliver emotion coaching in secondary schools

December 18th, 2023|

Here are some details of another project which TWMAD will be working in partnership with Stafford Locality Management Group to deliver in 7 high school across Stafford. This is a great way for TWMAD to [...]

TWMAD do Primary School Emotion Coaching

December 5th, 2023|

TWMAD continue to grow and develop our services to meet the needs of children and young people in our communities. Having predominantly worked in Secondary schools for the last 5 years we are really pleased [...]

Turnaround Programme

November 29th, 2023|

TWMAD are delighted to have been given the opportunity to deliver our services as part of the Turnaround programme with Staffordshire County Council. We have created a package which combines our popular and impactful On [...]